Friday, October 26, 2012

nesting compositions after effects

nesting compositions after effects

nesting compositions after effects
Each composition has its own settings for resolution, duration, etc. These are independent of the main project and other compositions. You define these settings when you create a new composition, and you can also change them at any time by selecting Composition > Composition Settings from the main menu (shortcut Crtl/Cmd+K).
For most compositions one of the presets will be suitable but you can customize settings as you like.
Note: See composition duration for a couple of tips on setting the duration.
The Advanced tab includes a few advanced options as pictured below. In most cases you can ignore these.
It is usually best to make the composition settings the same as the footage, e.g. Don't change the frame rate unless you really need to. Fortunately, After Effects provides an easy way to create new compositions from footage using the correct settings. Simply drag the footage from the project panel to the Create New Composition icon as pictured below. Bingo — a new composition with exactly the same settings as the footage.
Note: If you click the Create New Composition icon instead of dragging a file onto it, a new empty composition is created.
The next step of the workflow is to create a composition, in which you will create all animation, layering, and effects. An After Effects composition has both spatial dimensions and a temporal dimension, called a duration, or length in time.
Compositions include one or more layers, arranged in the Composition panel and in the Timeline panel. Any item that you add to a composition—such as a still image, moving-image file, audio file, light layers, camera layers, or even another composition—becomes a new layer. Simple projects may include only one composition, whereas elaborate projects may include several compositions to organize large amounts of footage or intricate effects sequences.
To create a composition, you'll drag the footage items into the Timeline panel, and After Effects will create layers for them. Follow these steps:
In the Project panel, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) to select the bgwtext composition as well as the DJ, gc_adobe_dj, kaleidoscope_waveforms, and pulsating_radial_waves footage items.
Drag the selected footage items into the Timeline panel. The New Composition from Selection dialog box appears
After Effects bases the size of the new composition on the selected footage. In this example, all of the footage is sized identically, so you can accept the default settings.
Click OK to create the new composition. The footage items appear as layers in the Timeline panel, and After Effects displays the composition, named bgwtext 2, in the Composition panel.
Click in the Timeline panel to make it active, and then press F2 to deselect all layers.
When you add a footage item to a composition, the footage becomes the source for a new layer. A composition can have any number of layers, and you also can include a composition as a layer in another composition, which is called nesting.
About Layers
Layers are the components you use to build a composition. Any item that you add to a composition—such as a still image, moving-image file, audio file, light layers, camera layers, or even another composition—becomes a new layer. Without layers, a composition consists of only an empty frame.
Using layers, you can work with specific footage items in a composition without affecting any other footage. For example, you can move, rotate, and draw masks for one layer without disturbing any other layers in the composition, or you can use the same footage in more than one layer and use it differently in each instance. In general, the layer order in the Timeline panel corresponds to the stacking order in the Composition panel.
This composition contains five footage items and therefore five layers in the Timeline panel. Depending on the order in which the elements were selected when you imported them, your layer stack may differ from the one shown in this example. The layers need to be in a specific order as you add effects and animations, however, so you'll rearrange them now.
Drag bgwtext to the bottom of the layer stack (if it isn't already there). Drag the other four layers 
You may need to click a blank area of the Timeline panel or press F2 to deselect layers before you can select an individual layer.
From this point forward in the workflow, you should be thinking about layers, not footage items. You'll change the column title accordingly.
Click the Source Name column title in the Timeline panel to change it to Layer Name, as shown in Figure 6.
Choose File > Save to save your project so far.
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